Friday, February 27, 2009

Order Goes on the Offensive

Tonight was our ORvR night for our alliance. We set out with a goal, to flip the zone Thunder Mt and go from there. We managed to get 3 warbands together and along our quest for domination found many a pug to join in. The night turned out to go from a successful mission, to assaulting a fort... I guess we had the organization, cause I was surprised enough that we took TM, let alone Breezing through Black Craig and into the Fort.

Once in the fort it was another story. Destro had a well set up defence and our puggers kept arguing with eachother. /2 chat was crazy annoying tonight. Our alliance made two strong pushes into the keep, we really didn't have too much trouble taking down destro, but we had a hell of a time with the keep lord. I believe he reset on us the first run through. We got rid of most of the destro, but at a price, we only had about half a warband left to take on the keep lord... perhaps more if you include puggers. Wipe.

second time around we did an alright job against destro. All I know is that the keep lord hit me about three times and I was dead... (TvT)

In the end it was great for us to have gotten as far as we had when we were only aiming to flip TM. I think it was one of the best pushes that we've ever made. And it was a blast! Well... the fort fight was lag city... and wasn't very much fun. spamming my abilities hoping that something happens... yeah. anyway.

I also made my first trip to Bastain Staris. I look forward to seeing that place some more as I didn't take any pictures and was only there for an hour (visited left wing).

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